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Modul Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK

Rp 70.000 Rp 80.000
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Judul: Modul Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK

Penulis: SMK Muhammadiyah Somagede

Jenis: Buku ajar

ISBN: (dalam proses pengajuan)

Sampul: Softcover, full colour, ivory 260 gsm

Tebal: 200 halaman, BW, bookpaper 57,5 gsm

Berat: 220 gram

Ukuran: A5

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Modul Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK

A Handbook of English: A Journey Through Text Types for SMK/MAK is essential for every eleventh grader. This guide focuses on four key text types: narrative, descriptive, procedure, and hortatory exposition. Discover how to craft compelling stories, use vivid descriptions, create clear instructions, and persuade effectively.

Learning Objectives is based on Merdeka Curriculum.

Prologue: It is designed to help eleventh graders master four essential text types—narrative, descriptive, procedure, and hortatory exposition. With engaging examples and practical exercises, you’ll discover the power of language to tell stories, describe experiences, instruct others, and inspire action.

Brainstorming: includes thought-provoking questions and activities to help you generate ideas and explore different perspectives related to the text types.

Tasks and Activities: contain reading and writing tests. Such as; practical exercises to reinforce your understanding, real-life scenarios that challenge you to apply what you’ve learned, and collaborative projects that encourage teamwork and discussion.

Summary: concludes with a concise summary of key concepts and skills covered, reinforcing your understanding and providing a quick reference.

Reflection: Contains an assessment to check understanding of the material.

Evaluation: Measure your progress with evaluation tools and criteria. Explore additional resources to continue your learning journey.

Modul Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK

Berat 220 gram
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